Standard AI Voices and Languages

Pictory APIs support various AI languages used in Storyboard API to generate or edit videos. Following is the List of Standard Voices available:

  1. English
  2. Dutch
  3. French
  4. German
  5. Italian
  6. Portugese
  7. Spanish
  8. Japanese

To use any of the AI voices, pass speaker's name in the audio.aiVoiceOver.speaker of the storyboard API.

1. AI Voices in the English Language

  • Language Parameter to be used in Storyboard API: en
  • Following English voiceovers are supported. Pass the AI Voice name in audio.aiVoiceOver.speaker of the storyboard API.
Supported AI
Voice Name
Language GenderVoice SampleSupported SSML Category
AidenenMaleAiden Voice Sample Category C
AvaenFemaleAva Voice Sample Category C
TomenMaleTom Voice Sample Category C
AdelineenFemaleAdeline Voice Sample Category C
AliceenFemaleAlice Voice Sample Category C
AdisonenFemaleAdison Voice Sample Category C
JacksonenMaleJackson Voice Sample Category C
BryceenMaleBryce Voice Sample Category C
HazelenFemaleHazel Voice Sample Category C
ArthurenMaleArthur Voice Sample Category C
EdithenFemaleEdith Voice Sample Category C
JamesenMaleJames Voice Sample Category C
HeatherenFemaleHeather Voice Sample Category C
WillowenFemaleWillow Voice Sample Category C
MasonenMaleMason Voice Sample Category C
RubyenFemaleRuby Voice Sample Category C
HenryenMaleHenry Voice Sample Category C
JoannaenFemaleJoanna Voice Sample Category B
Ivy (child)enFemaleIvy (Child) Voice Sample Category B
KendraenFemaleKendra Voice Sample Category B
KimberlyenFemaleKimberly Voice Sample Category B
MatthewenMaleMatthew Voice Sample Category B
Justin (child)enMaleJustin (child) Voice Sample Category B
AmyenFemaleAmy Voice Sample Category B
EmmaenFemaleEmma Voice Sample Category B
AlexenMaleAlex Voice Sample Category B
AditienFemaleAditi Voice Sample Category A
RussellenMaleRussell Voice Sample Category A
AriaenFemaleAria Voice Sample Category B
OliviaenFemaleOlivia Voice Sample Category B
AyandaenFemaleAyanda Voice Sample Category B
SallienFemaleSalli Voice Sample Category B
JoeyenMaleJoey Voice Voice Sample Category B
Kevin (child)enMaleKevin (Child) Voice Sample Category B
VickienFemaleVicki Voice Sample Category B
GregorenMaleGregor Voice Sample Category B
JuliaenFemaleJulia Voice Sample Category B
BiancaenFemaleBinaca Voice Sample Category B
AdrianoenMaleAdriano Voice SampleCategory B
CamilaenFemaleCamila Voice Sample Category B
InêsenFemaleInes Voice SampleCategory B
MiaenFemaleMia Voice Sample Category B
LupeenFemaleLupe Voice SampleCategory B
PedroenMalePedro Voice Sample Category B
LisaenFemaleLisa Voice SampleCategory C
PhilenMalePhil Voice Sample Category C
HeidienFemaleHeidi Voice SampleCategory C
OliverenMaleOliver Voice SampleCategory C
ScottenMaleScott Voice SampleCategory C
EugeneenMaleEugene Voice SampleCategory C
SteffienFemaleStefi Voice Sample Category C
MartinenMaleMartin Voice Sample Category C
DebbyenFemaleDebby Voice Sample Category C
BelindaenFemaleBelinda Voice SampleCategory C
JessicaenFemaleJessica Voice Sample Category C
StacyenFemaleStacy Voice SampleCategory C
AustinenMaleAustin Voice Sample Category C
JeffenMaleJeff Voice SampleCategory C
ChrisenMaleChris Voice Sample Category C
MaryenFemaleMary Voice SampleCategory C
BenenMaleBen Voice SampleCategory C
SafaenFemaleSafa Voice Sample Category C
ShreyaenFemaleShreya Voice SampleCategory C
AveekenMaleAveek Voice SampleCategory C
ShaveenenMaleShaveen Voice Sample Category C
PritienFemalePriti Voice SampleCategory C
FionaenFemaleFiona Voice SampleCategory C

2. AI Voices in Dutch Language

  • Dutch Netherland (Language code: nl-NL) and Dutch Belgium (Language code: nl-BE) variants are supported in the Dutch language.
  • Below is the list of supported Dutch voice overs:
Supported AI
Voice Name
GenderVoice SampleSupported SSML Category
Lauranl-NLFemaleLaura Voice Sample Category B
Timnl-NLMaleTim Voice Sample Category C
Chantalnl-NLFemaleChantal Voice Sample Category C
Johannesnl-BEMaleJohannes Voice Sample Category C

3. AI Voices in French Language

  • French (Language code: fr-FR) and French Canada (Language code: fr-CA) variants are supported in the French language.
  • Below is the list of supported French language voiceovers:
Supported AI
Voice Name
GenderVoice SampleSupported SSML Category
Clémencefr-FRFemaleClémence Voice Sample Category C
Marinfr-FRMaleMarin Voice Sample Category C
Gabrielfr-CAMaleGabriel Voice Sample Category C
Liloufr-CAFemaleLilou Voice Sample Category C
Léafr-FRFemaleLéa Voice SampleCategory B

4. AI Voices in German Language

  • German (Language code: de-DE) and German Austrian (Language code: de-AT) variants are supported in the German language.
  • Below is the list of supported German language voiceovers:
Supported AI
Voice Name
GenderVoice SampleSupported SSML Category
Friedade-DEFemaleFrieda Voice Sample Category C
Wilburde-DEMaleWilbur Voice Sample Category C
Vickide-DEFemaleVicki Voice Sample Category B

5. AI Voices in the Italian Language

  • Below is the list of supported Italian language voiceovers:
Supported AI
Voice Name
GenderVoice SampleSupported SSML Category
Lunait-ITFemaleLuna Voice Sample Category C
Marcoit-ITMaleMarco Voice Sample Category C
Biancait-ITFemaleBianca Voice Sample Category B
Adrianoit-ITMaleAdriano Voice Sample Category B

6. AI Voices in Portuguese Language

  • Portuguese (Brazilian) (Language code: pt-BR) and Portuguese (European) (Language code: pt-PT) variants are supported in the Portuguese language.
  • Below is the list of supported Portuguese voiceovers:
Supported AI
Voice Name
GenderVoice SampleSupported SSML Category
Aureliopt-BRMaleAurelio Voice Sample Category C
Ameliapt-BRFemaleAmelia Voice Sample Category C
Camilapt-BRFemaleCamila Voice Sample Category B
Thiagopt-BRMaleThiago Voice Sample Category B

7. AI Voices in Spanish Language

  • Spanish (Language code: es-ES), Spanish-Mexican (Language code: es-MX), and Spanish-US (Language code: es-US) variants are supported for the Spanish language.
  • Below is the list of supported Spanish voiceovers:
Supported AI
Voice Name
GenderVoice SampleSupported SSML Category
Mateoes-ESMaleMateo Voice Sample Category C
Nataliaes-ESFemaleNatalia Voice Sample Category C
Hugoes-ESMaleHugo Voice Sample Category C
Miaes-MXFemaleMia Voice Sample Category B
Lupees-USFemaleLupe Voice SampleCategory B
Pedroes-USMalePedro Voice SampleCategory B

8. AI Voices in the Japanese Language

Below is the list of supported Japanese voiceovers:

Supported AI
Voice Name
GenderVoice SampleSupported SSML Category
TakumijaMaleTakumi Voice Sample Category B
TomokojaFemaleTomoko Voice Sample Category B

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